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Let's start with the basics choose your level, Character name, and Race. Your race comes with stats and racial features. For more information on what each race brings to the table head on over to the races section. Choosing your class and subclass will determine your hit points, abilities and spell list.
Choose from the dropdown below to get started:
You have 38 points to add to your attributes, you cannot go over 20 using your base stats. Then you add your racial bonus.
Your max hit points is based on your Class and Con Score see the skills section for details. Your movement speed is based on Race & Strength score. If you need guidance on score impacts click here for a quick link on skills and scores. For spell slots we've already programmed it for you!
No exhaustion
A teal background means you have proficiency in a saving throw, white mans you don't. You have 15 skill points.
For proficiency you can click a circle next to a skill multiple times, the outer layer means 1/2 proficiency, full circle is proficiency, circle plus outer is expertise, and an empty circle means no proficiency.
For saving throws you can only be proficient or not proficient, they are calculated as follows:
Fortitude Saving Throw: 2 + CON + CHA * .5
Reflex Saving Throw: 2 + STR + DEX * .5
Cognitive Saving Throw: 2 +
INT + WIS * .5
Enter the name of your attack.
Attack roll number will be the modifier + PM, additional mods would be anything beyond that.
Increase die count, example Rogue gains 1 additional attack roll die.
Drag and Drop or double click spells, double click to remove them. At level 1 you know 4 spells 2 Cantrips and 2 1st Tier spells.
At 3rd level you know 8 spells, you gain 2 additional known spells every 2 levels after.
You gain access to higher tier spells when you gain levels. For more information about spells click your section. (Arcane) (Support) (Martial)
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