Crusaders TTRPG Items

Elevate your Crusaders TTRPG campaigns with our meticulously crafted items! Discover an extensive collection of weapons, artifacts, and gear designed to enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you're equipping your crusaders for epic battles or seeking unique treasures, our selection offers something for every adventurer. Unleash your imagination and immerse yourself in the world of Crusaders with our premium TTRPG items!

Crusaders TTRPG Starting Equipment and Attunement

Crusaders TTRPG Starting Equipment and Attunement

Choose 1 Starting Armor your class is proficient with.
Choose either 1 Great Weapon, Ranged Weapon / Gun, Caster Weapon, or 2 simple weapons and an accessory your class is proficient with.

A backpack with:

  • 10 rations
  • 2 health potions
  • tent & bedroll
  • cooking utensils
  • mess kit
  • tinderbox
  • 3 torches
  • rope
  • waterskin

Attunement is when you bond with an item. In Crusaders, it's more of a cap on items. Here are the key points:

  • A character can only wield 1 two-handed weapon (great weapon).
  • A character can only wear one armor.
  • You can only have 3 accessories, and only 1 of the same type (e.g., 1 ring, 1 shield, 1 bracers).
  • Cursed accessories cannot be easily removed from your attunement.
  • You can attune items instantly, with no downtime.
  • There is no limit to the amount of magic items outside of the weapon, armor, and accessory limitations.

Additional Limitations

MAX base armor for each tier of play is capped this includes spells that grant you armor:

  • Tier 1: 18
  • Tier 2: 25
  • Tier 3: 33
  • Tier 4: 41

Temporary hit points from all sources are capped at 8 + 5 per level.
Attunement Gem link

While not wearing armor, you gain a bonus to movement speed equal to 10 and your armor class is 5 + PM + CON.

Simple weapons are also classified as thrown weapons and possess the Finesse properties.

Guns do not include any ability modifiers like Dexterity.
Guns require ammo, but do not require a reloading time. Ammo for guns costs 1 gold for 25 bullets.

A DM can choose to not allow guns, in which case replace the gun's name with a similar crossbow. The crossbow will be magically enhanced to function like a gun and use its stats.

Martial weapons are weapons that can be used with two hands and require a Strength score of 12 to use.
Great weapons require 2 hands to wield. Wielding a great weapon with 1 hand will result in disadvantage on all attack rolls with that weapon.

Simple weapons are also classified as thrown weapons and possess the Finesse properties.

Range: Each ranged weapon has a specified range within which it can be used effectively. Attacks beyond this range have a -1 penalty for every 5 feet.
Ammunition: Ranged weapons like bows or crossbows require ammunition to be used. The ammunition must be drawn from a quiver, case, or other container.
Loading: Some ranged weapons require loading, meaning you must spend a bonus action, or reaction to reload the weapon, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

Aragonium is the strongest metal in Crusaders TTRPG. Aragonium weapons can crit Aragonium armor which normally protects the wearer from critical damage.

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