Royalty Bard

Royalty Bards blend the elegance of nobility with battlefield tactics, embodying the essence of princes or princesses. Their commanding presence and strategic acumen inspire allies, turning the tide of battle through martial prowess and rousing performances.

Players who enjoy leading with grace and authority will find the Royalty Bard captivating. Their tactical expertise and inspirational abilities create a dynamic playstyle, perfect for those who seek to rule both in court and on the battlefield.

Royalty Bard Features By Level

Palace Etiquette

At 1st level, You gain expertise in Etiquette skill checks. In addition, you have advantage on Charisma skill checks.

Your royal presence allows you to make a Charisma skill check contested by a creature's Insight skill check. On success, the creature is charmed and cannot attack you, and has disadvantage on attacks against your allies.

Graceful Martial Training

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency in all weapons. In addition, when you make a weapon attack you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Fighting modifier for attack and damage rolls with your weapons. You gain a bonus +2 to Charisma when you use an Instrument as a spellcasting focus.

When you hit a creature with an attack roll, grant an ally within 5 feet of the creature 1 bardic inspiration die.

Animal Friendship

At 7th level, You can talk to beasts. Tiny creatures cannot be hostile to you. In addition, you can persuade beasts to perform non hostile actions for you.

Empowered Shot

Your attacks deal an additional weapon die of Psychic damage. In addition, you can activate magical enhancements on your turn. Choose one of the following enhancements these effects:

Arcane Eruption: Your attack is imbued with Fire magic all creatures within 10 feet of your target take (Half PM)d6 + SM Fire damage.
Enfeeble: Your attack reduces the targets damage by half until the start of your next turn.

Piercer: All of your attacks this turn hit (PM) number of creatures in a 100ft line of your target.
Seeker: You have advantage on all attack rolls until the start of your turn.
Shadow Strike: Your clones attack at the same time as you adding an additional Psychic damage die for each active clone.
Undying Grasp: Your target is grappled, they take the Necrotic damage each time they fail a check to escape.

Charismatic Presence

At 12th level, Creatures gain a bonus to rolls equal to your Charisma modifier when they roll your bardic inspiration die.


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder


At 19th level, Placeholder

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