Totem Warden Shaman

Totem Warden Shamans are masters of ancient totems, drawing upon their power to protect and enhance their allies. They weave elemental magic through these totems, creating a versatile and dynamic support role on the battlefield. With a deep connection to the natural world, they summon totems that heal, shield, and empower their companions, making them indispensable in any adventuring party.

Players who enjoy a strategic and supportive playstyle will find the Totem Warden Shaman compelling. Their ability to control the battlefield with powerful totems offers a unique and engaging experience. Whether bolstering allies or hindering foes, Totem Warden Shamans provide a rich blend of elemental magic and tactical versatility, perfect for those who seek to wield the ancient powers of the natural world.

Totem Warden Shaman Features By Level

Totem Summoner

At 1st level, Your Totem call becomes recharge 3-6 instead of 6. In addition, allies heal for 1d6 each round your totem is active increasing by 1d6 for each consecutive round.

Primal Powers

At 3rd level, Your Aura of Power feature is increased by 1 additional damage die.

Elemental Overdrive

At 7th level, Your Amplify Elements feature can now grant levels of vulnerability to affected enemies.

Pain Tolerance

At 9th level, When you use your Siphon Pain feature, make a Endurance skill check DC 10 + Level to avoid taking exhaustion.


At 12th level, Placeholder


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder

Controlled Madness

At 19th level, You choose the effects of your subclass features rather than rolling.

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