Rune Warden Guardians are gem knights with powerful protection features. Their unique abilities, granted by rune magic, allow them to defend and deal damage while doing it.
Players choose Rune Warden Guardians for a beginner easy to play character who protects allies using rune-based powers. Their ability to defend allies and strike back at foes with magical energy provides a balanced and rewarding gameplay experience, perfect for those who enjoy high mobility and return damage.
At 1st level, As a reaction when a creature within 60 feet of you is attacked. You can leap to a space within 5 feet of them and use the taunt cantrip forcing the attack or spell on to you instead, granting your protected ally 1 level of resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.
You can taunt a creature within 15ft of you as a bonus action. If the creature fails a Cognitive saving throw against your Spellcasting DC that creature cannot attack anyone but you for 3 rounds.
They can repeat the save at the end of their turn to end the effect. You can taunt multiple creatures in this way but only one creature per round.
At 3rd level, you gain a defensive option based on the rune you choose. When you are hit with an attack deal your Guardian level damage to the attacker. Choose one of the following runes:
Amethyst: Psychic damage to the attacker.
Diamond: Force damage to the attacker.
Nature damage to the attacker.
Ruby: Fire damage to the attacker.
Sapphire: Ice damage to the attacker.
Electric damage to the attacker.
You can change your rune once you complete a long rest. This rune choice will be the same for all of your future features.
At 7th level, You can enhance your martial abilities by using runes. Choose one of the following runes:
Amethyst: You gain advantage on saving throws.
Diamond: Gain 2 bonus health per level.
Emerald: You can add your Constitution modifier to your skill checks.
Ruby: Double your runic rebuke damage.
Sapphire: Your threat management bonus is doubled.
Topaz: Once per round, when you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead.
At 9th level, When you damage a creature with Runic Rebuke, you gain temporary hit points equal to half of the damage dealt.
At 12th level, Placeholder
At 14th level, Placeholder
At 17th level, Placeholder
At 19th level, You can invoke the power of a second rune.