Elastomorph Mutants possess the extraordinary ability to stretch and reshape their bodies, granting them unparalleled reach and flexibility in combat. Their unique physiology allows them to strike from unexpected angles and distances, making them unpredictable and difficult to counter.
Elastomorph Mutants are perfect for players who enjoy creative and dynamic combat strategies. Their ability to extend their reach offers tactical advantages, enabling them to control the battlefield and keep enemies at bay. Players will relish the versatility and surprise element that comes with mastering this unique mutant form.
1st Level Feature
(Recharge 3-6) As an action, you can use your elastic body to launch yourself up to a distance equal to 10 times your Constitution modifier in feet. Upon landing, you make a melee attack against all creatures within attack range. Each creature hit takes bludgeoning damage equal to (PM + 1)d8 + CON. You also heal for the total damage dealt. You avoid opportunity attacks during this movement.
You can deal 1d8 additional damage per spell point you spend.
3rd Level Feature
At the start of your turn, you heal for a number of d4 equal to your Constitution modifier.
Additionally, your melee attacks and touch spells have a reach of 10 feet instead of the usual 5 feet. Additionally, you can use your reaction to extend your reach by another 5 feet.
7th Level Feature
Your body’s elasticity allows you to move through difficult terrain without extra movement cost. Your fall damage calculation starts at 200 feet.
When you succeed on a saving throw, you regain 1 spell slot.
9th Level Feature
When you hit a creature with a melee attack the creature is pushed back 10 feet and falls prone. You can now launch yourself at a target creature with slingshot.
12th Level Feature
Your melee attacks and touch spells range are increased to 20 feet. When a creature comes into contact with you, they take additional Nature damage equal to your Mutant level.
๏ปฟThis includes but is not limited to melee attacks and touch spells, slingshot, and when you are hit by melee attacks.
14th Level Feature
When you take damage from a saving throw you instantly deal the damage taken to all creatures within your melee attack range.
17th Level Feature
Choose an object you can see within 300 feet of you. As a bonus action, you can pull yourself to that object. The object must be stable enough to support your weight, and immobile. Some examples include; a rock, bridge, mountain ledge, sword in a stone, or tree.
19th Level Feature
Your melee attack range reach is increased to 30 feet. Your slingshot range is doubled and no longer requires recharge.