Crusaders Encounter Builder

Choose your monster's level, monster type, and role from the options below and their stats will appear on the right.

Terrain or Skill Check Effect DC: 6 + (PM) + Your Character Level

Monster or Saving Throw Effect DC: 6 + (PM) + Monster Level

Crowd Control (CC) is crucial for victory in Crusaders. We use soft CC to keep the game engaging for both players and creatures, ensuring everyone gets to play their turn without long waits.

When a crowd control effect requires a saving throw, the Difficulty Class (DC) is calculated as follows:

Terrain Effect DC: 6 + (PM) + Your Character Level

Monster Effect DC: 6 + (PM) + Monster Leve

Quick Notes

  • Minions gain 1 special ability, Bruiser gain 2, and Legendary gain 3.
  • For each resistance level you give a monster to a damage type, they gain 1 level of vulnerability to something else. There is no cap to resistance levels, example you can give a monster Immunity in 3 different damage types but they have vulnerability to 3 other types.
  • The damage type of your attacks is chosen by you.
  • Legendary monsters can attack or use a maneuver after each player finishes their turn.
  • Rolling to Hit Tier 1 3d12, Tier 2 4d12, Tier 3 5d12, Tier 4 6d12.

*Remember Monsters roll and subtract stats and to hit from the number rolled.*

DM Dice Roller

Custom Dice Roller

3d12 Roller

3d12 Dice Roller

Monster Stats




To Hit:


Number of Attacks:

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