Swift Shot Duelists are master archers who combine pinpoint accuracy with lightning-fast reflexes to dominate the battlefield. Armed with their trusty bows, they can unleash a flurry of arrows that strike true, making them formidable opponents from a distance. Their expertise in archery allows them to exploit enemy weaknesses and control the flow of combat with precision shots.
Players might choose a Swift Shot Duelist for the thrill of ranged combat and the strategic advantage of striking from afar. Swift Shot Duelists offer a unique gameplay experience that rewards careful aim and tactical positioning, making them perfect for those who enjoy a blend of skillful marksmanship and quick decision-making in the heat of battle.
At 1st level, you gain the following benefits:
At 3rd level, (Recharge 4-6) On Hit, you can fire a flurry of arrows each enemy within a 10 foot radius of your target including your target must succeed on a Reflex saving throw against your Fighting DC or take the damage dealt with the original attack.
At 7th level, You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Reflex saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
At 9th level, You gain frost arrow attacks that you can activate using a bonus action. When you hit an enemy with a frost arrow they take SM additional Ice damage, and their movement speed is slowed by 5 x SM.
At 12th level,
At 14th level, Placeholder
At 17th level, Placeholder
At 19th level, Placeholder