Shadow Evoker

Shadow Evokers harness the mysterious power of Twilight Drake magic, blending darkness and arcane energy to create devastating spells. Their mastery of shadow allows them to manipulate light and darkness, making them formidable and elusive on the battlefield.

Players will enjoy Shadow Evokers for their unique blend of dark magic and tactical versatility. Their spells offer powerful offensive and defensive options, providing a dynamic and engaging playstyle that excels in both combat and subterfuge.

Shadow Evoker Features By Level

Shadow Hunter

At 1st level, You can see in normal or magical darkness, up to a range of 120 feet.

(Recharge 6) You can create a protective and destructive aura of darkness around you. As a bonus action, you can activate an aura of magical darkness that lasts until the start of your turn. While active, enemies within 15 feet of you take (PM)d4 + Your Evoker Level Dark damage at the start of their turns, and you gain 2 level of resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Twilight Sage

At 3rd level, Your spells deal an additional Dark damage equal to your Evoker level while you are in dim light or darkness.

Night Stalker

At 7th level, You have advantage on attack rolls while in dim light or darkness.

Dark Bane

At 9th level, You ignore resistance to Dark damage, in addition. When you land a melee attack or spell on an enemy they must reroll a 1d6 of your choice and take the lower number when making an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.


At 12th level, Placeholder


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level,

Master of Darkness

At 19th level, You can use your Shadow Hunter at will. In addition, the damage is increased to d8 from d4. In addition you can teleport up to your movement when in dim light or darkness.

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