Sneak Attack moved from Action to Bonus action damage reworked from (PM + 1)d6 to (PM)d10.
Previous Notes๏ปฟ
When you cast a spell add your Spellcasting Modifier (SM) to the damage dealt or healing of the spell. (Does not add the SM to buffs and bonuses such as AC) added to Caster and Support.
Tia's Embrace increased by 1 damage die.
Glimmer and Seraph increased to flat 10% of missing.๏ปฟ
Relentless Endurance type abilities nerfed to gain +1 DC each use.
All mutant subclasses reworked.
Colossus, added Titan level to unarmed strike.
Replaced Call of the Wild critter shaman feature.
Critter Shaman Polymorph buffed from 2 to 3.
Swapped Mutant to Caster, and Evoker to Hybrid.
Witch Doctor Shaman Buffed from (PM - 1)d6 to Shaman level Dark damage.
Divine Invocations
Feat Nerfs:
Adamantine Fighter: Now Argonium Fighter: Reduces crit damage by 25%.
Animal Handler: As an Action you make a Taming check to boost the morale of your companions. On success, All allies within 15 feet gain temporary hit points equal to (PM - 1)d8 your SM or FM and advantage on their next attack roll or saving throw. Stacking this feat adds an additional (PM - 1)d8.
Archery: Changed from +2 to PM and now stackable.
Beguiling Influence: Added by you.
Commander: On Your Turn, changed to Bonus Action.
Deadeye: 20% to 25%
Endure Pain: Once per long rest, you can use your Endurance skill to negate a level of exhaustion and recover hit points equal to your Endurance skill modifier.
Energizer: You can roll up to 3 recharge abilities at the start of your turn.
Martial Artist: Now requires 2 successful hits in a round.