Bender Shaman

Bender Shamans are mystics who manipulate the elements, drawing power from nature's forces. They command earth, water, fire, and air to protect allies, devastate enemies, and reshape the battlefield to their advantage.

Players will enjoy Bender Shamans for their versatile control over elemental magic. Their ability to adapt to various combat scenarios and support roles makes them a dynamic and strategic choice for those who appreciate versatility and creativity.

Bender Shaman Features By Level

Elemental Path

At 1st level, You come from a long line of Shaman who have mastered an element. Choose an elemental path to follow:

Air: Your attack rolls knock enemies 5 feet backward.
Earth: Your healing spells grant allies an additional (PM) Armor Class bonus until the start of your turn.
Fire: Your attacks and spells deal additional Fire damage equal to your Shaman level.
Water: Your healing spells gain one additional healing die.

You can change your element as a bonus action.

Shape Element

At 3rd level, You gain a new attack that you can use as an action. Make a range attack on a creature you can see within 120 feet of you dealing (PM)d8 + SM or FM damage. On hit the attack gains the following effect and damage type based on your elemental path:

Air: The creature is knocked prone.
Earth: The creature's armor is reduced by (PM).
Fire: Your attack deals an additional (PM)d8 at the start of the creature's turn. This is affected by crit.
Water: You can attack allies healing them instead of damaging them. This counts as a healing spell.

Elemental Utility

At 7th level, You can use your chosen element to help you gain unique set of attributes.

Air: You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Earth: You ignore difficult terrain.
Fire: You gain a jumping distance equal to your walking speed.
Water: You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Manipulate Pain

At 9th level, When you use your Siphon Pain feature, make a Endurance skill check DC 10 + Level to grant the exhaustion level to a target of your choice within 120 feet of you. If you fail you take 2 levels of exhaustion instead of 1.

Master of Elements

At 12th level, You can change your Elemental Path at will without using a bonus action.

Combine Element

At 14th level, Combine 2 elements of Shape Element into a powerful elemental attack.

Air + Earth: The creature is knocked prone and its armor is reduced by (PM).

Air + Fire: The creature is knocked prone and your attack deals an additional (PM)d8 fire damage at the start of its turn. This is affected by crit.

Air + Water: You can attack an ally healing them, granting them an the ability to move up to their movement speed without taking attack of opportunity.

Earth + Fire: The creature's armor is reduced by (PM) and your attack deals an additional (PM)d8 fire damage at the start of its turn. This is affected by crit.

Earth + Water: You can attack an ally healing them, granting them an aura that reduces the armor of all enemies within 15ft of them by (PM).

Fire + Water: Your attack deals the healed damage as Fire damage to all enemies within 5ft of your ally. This is affected by crit and counts as a healing spell.


At 17th level, Placeholder


At 19th level, Placeholder

Level 11

Greater Enhanced Elemental Burst

At 11th level, you've attuned to nature beyond the normal limits. You can choose to spend 4 spell points to enhance your Energy Burst attacks until the start of your turn.

  • Air: Your Elemental Burst knocks the target prone.
  • Earth: You can use Elemental Burst as a bonus action.
  • Fire: Your Elemental Burst deals an additional 2d8 damage.
  • Water: Your Elemental Burst heals all allies within 15 feet of your target.

Level 15

Master the Elements

At 15th level, Unlocks the ability to combine two elements for a single Elemental Burst.

For example, combining Fire and Air could create a scorching whirlwind. The effects would be a blend of the two chosen elements.

Standard Gear

Optional Starting Equipment

Standard Starting Class Equipment

2 health potions.

A backpack with 10 rations, tent & bedroll, cooking utensils, mess kit, tinderbox, 3 torches, roper and a waterskin.

Elemental Monk Robes: (Armor) Your robes bonus adds to Elemental Burst, reduces damage taken, and grants an additional bonus equal to your proficiency modifier.


Choose a Caster Weapon.

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