Blade Dancer Rogue

Blade Dancer Rogues are renowned for their mastery of the ring blade and other simple weapons, combining martial finesse with dance-like grace. Blade Essence amplifies their agility, speed, and precision, allowing for swift, dance-like movements and devastating strikes.

Players will be drawn to Blade Dancer Rogue for their artistry in combat. They transform each duel into a mesmerizing spectacle, captivating audiences with movements and strikes that are as beautiful as they are deadly, showcasing their disciplined training and combat finesse.

Blade Dancer Rogue Features By Level

Blade Essence

At 1st level, You gain 1 level of proficiency in Agility, and Showmanship. You gain proficiency with the Ringblade and it counts as a simple weapon for you with a thrown range of 15 feet.

For every 4 points in Charisma and Dexterity over 10, you gain 1 hit points per level.

Blade Barrier

At 3rd level, Create a defensive barrier around yourself using your blades as a bonus action. Until the start of your next turn you take 50% less damage.

Dervish Dash

At 7th level, You can teleport to a target after making a thrown weapon attack catching your weapon, your simple weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to your Rogue level. You are healed for the damage dealt by this feature.

Pirouette Strike

At 9th level, If you succeed on a saving throw, you take no damage or effects from the feature or spell you dodged, and you can take the attack action on a creature within melee range.

Harmonic Dissonance

At 12th level, when you hit a creature with a simple weapon attack they are silenced and cannot use maneuvers or spells until the start of your next turn.


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder


At 19th level, Placeholder

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