Deathwing Tracker

Deathwing Trackers are legendary warriors renowned for hunting evil and defeating dark forces. Trained in secret sanctuaries and wielding deadly fire weapons, they amplify their magical abilities through ancient arcane rituals.

Players will enjoy Deathwing Trackers for their bond with Emberfuries, demonic creatures with fiery powers. This bond enhances their tracking and combat skills, making them formidable against darkness and malevolence.

Deathwing Tracker Features By Level


At 1st level, When you successfully hit with an attack roll, the target suffers the attack's normal effects and it is branded with a fiery glow. The brand lasts until the start of your next turn.

Each time target is struck by a weapon attack before the start of your next turn, the brand triggers, dealing Fire damage equal to your Tracker level.

Healing Flames

At 3rd level, when an ally lands a melee attack on a creature marked by Emberfury, they are healed for 3 + your Tracker level.

Ember Shield

At 7th level, (Recharge 3-6) As an action, you can create a shield of swirling flames to protect an ally within range, granting them a number of temporary hit points equal to (10 x PM). In addition, they have immunity to Fire damage until the start of their your turn.

Infernal Aura

At 9th level, all allies within 30 feet of you have Resistance to Fire damage, and gain an additional (PM) on attack rolls burned by Emberfury.

Second Chance

At 12th level, once per combat per ally, if an ally including yourself is reduced to 0 hit points. You can instantly restore them to half of their hit points and remove 2 levels of exhaustion from them.


At 14th level, You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you gain the ability to attack a creature without provoking attack of opportunity while flying.

Pact of the Drakon

At 17th level, you can now tame Dragons as an exotic pet. In addition, your exotic pet gains advantage on attacks against creatures marked by Emberfury.

In addition, you can spend a number of spell points to bring your Dragon back to life equal to your level without suffering exhaustion. Your Dragon is restored to half hit points.

Master of the Flame

At 19th level, You ignore all resistance to Fire damage. You gain the following:

Emberfury: Damage is doubled.
Healing Flames: You heal for the flames.
Ember Shield: Returns damage dealt to attackers equal to (PM) + SM.
Infernal Aura: You gain the attack roll bonus as well.
Second Chance: You can use it on yourself once per long rest.

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