Valor Knights form a profound bond with their Dawnbreaker sword, a connection that transcends the physical to the very soul. Swearing the Oath of the Dawnbreaker, they commit to guarding Alavir, their bond enduring through shadow and light, peace and plight.
Players will enjoy Valor Knights for their heroic legacy and powerful abilities. Wielding the legendary Dawnbreaker sword, they embody valor and protection, standing against darkness and embodying heroism in every battle.
At 1st level, You gain a (PM) bonus to your armor class and attack rolls. Gain an additional healing die whenever you heal yourself.
At 3rd level, When a creature within 5 feet of you is attacked, you can impose disadvantage on the attack roll potentially causing the attack to miss.
At 7th level, If you fail an attack roll or skill check, you can defend your honor by adding +1 for each ally within 60 ft of you that can see you. For that attack or saving throw possibly turning it into a success. (Up to +5)
At 9th level, Choose one creature within 60 feet of you granting them a bonus (PM) to armor. You can only vow to protect one creature at a time. This bonus disappears if you or the creature is unconscious.
At 12th level, Placeholder
At 14th level, Placeholder
At 17th level, Placeholder
At 19th level, Placeholder