Necromancer Tracker

Necromancer Trackers emerged during the Age of Veils when the barrier between the living and spirit world was thin. Led by Amarael the Whisperer, they excel at tracking lost undead souls and connecting the realms of life and death.

Players will enjoy Necromancer Trackers for their unique role in balancing life and death. They collect rogue undead souls and offer solace to the grieving, making them revered spiritual guides and protectors in Alavir.

Necromancer Tracker Features By Level

Raise Dead

At 1st level, You can tame an exotic pet even when it has died, you have advantage on taming dead creatures. Your Exotic pet is undead and does not need rations or water.

At the start of your turn, you can use your call forth the powers of the netherworld and summon a skeleton. This skeleton appears within a space you can see within 30 feet of you. The skeleton has the following properties:

  • Attack: The skeleton can make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can see within 120 feet of you. To hit, the skeleton uses your Spell Attack. On a hit, the target takes (Half PM)d4 + PM Necrotic damage. (All skeletons use the same attack roll to hit)
  • Duration: Immediately after the attack, the skeleton turns to dust and ceases to exist.

The feature's summon count increases by 1 when you reach 6th level (2), 10th level (3), 14th level (4), and 18th level (5).

Strength Sap

At 3rd level, When you or one of your raise dead creatures hit a creature with an attack or spell, you reduce it's damage dealt by 1 per instance until the start of your next turn.

Knowledge of the Dead

At 6th level, If you make a successful Monster Knowledge skill check you recover (PM) spell points instantly. You can make a Monster Knowledge skill check as a bonus action to learn a creature's current hit points.

Skeleton Crew

At 8th level, You can summon your skeletons out of combat to assist with minor tasks such as cleaning, helping with rituals, moving objects, or cooking. Beware that they may drop extra marrow in the broth.

Death Grip

At 11th level, As an action, you send negative energy coursing through a creature that you can see within 120ft of you that you can see. Make a spell attack, dealing Necrotic damage equal to (PM) + your Tracker level on hit.

If it kills the target you recover half of your missing life.

Necrotic Rhapsody

At 13th level, Once per long rest, you can summon 5 skeletons using the minion stat block. These creatures go immediately after your turn. They gain a (PM) bonus to attack rolls, and saving throws.

If these creatures die in combat you can make a Divination check equal to DC 8 + PM + your Tracker level to bring them back with full life, suffering 1 level of exhaustion for each skeleton. Otherwise you must wait until you finish a long rest to bring them back.

Soul of the Netherdrake

At 16th level, You can enhance your spells with the Soul of the Netherdrake. You can reroll any number less than 3 on a healing or damage die. You can roll additional damage die on spells and weapon attacks on spells against Undead and Aberration.

Lifeforce Extraction

At 18th level, When you or one of your creatures hits a creature with an attack or spell, you reduce the creature's max hit points by 2. In addition, your next attack or damaging spell against the creature deals additional damage equal to the amount extracted returning it's max hit points.

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