Terra Mutant

Terra Mutants embody the adventurous spirit of nature, blending earth mastery with an adventurous spirit for extreme sports. These wild warriors shape and ride the terrain, carving paths through mountains, skimming deserts, and surfing stone waves. They harness the earth's energy to create obstacles and manipulate landscapes, making them experts in battlefield control and adrenaline-fueled stunts.

Terra Mutants are ideal for players who love mixing nature magic with dynamic gameplay. Their terrain-altering skills offer tactical advantages and enhance high-energy combat. Whether outmaneuvering foes or shielding allies, these wild-hearted warriors excel in making the earth their playground and weapon, adding thrill to every encounter.

Terra Mutant Features By Level

Stone Rider

1st Level Feature

As a bonus action, you can summon a stoneboard, a slab of rock that propels you across the battlefield that last until the start of your turn. While riding the stoneboard, when you move within 5 feet of a creature or a creature moves within 5 feet of you, you deal Earth damage equal to (PM)d4 + SM to that creature.

This damage can only be dealt once per turn to each creature.

Need For Speed

3rd Level Feature

Your movement no longer provokes opportunity attacks. Your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and your speed cannot be reduced.


7th Level Feature

Your spells, attacks, and class features deal additional earth damage equal to your Mutant level. Damaged targets must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or be knocked prone.

Tectonic Shielding

9th Level Feature

When an ally within 60 feet fails a saving throw, you can grant them earthen cover. The ally gains an earthen shield, granting them temporary hit points equal to (PM)d8 + SM.

Geode Armor

12th Level Feature

You can harden your skin with layers of rock and stone. When you gain temporary hit points from any source, you also gain a (PM) bonus to your AC until the temporary hit points are gone.

Earthen Will

14th Level Feature

The amount of temporary hit points you grant and receive are increased by (PM) each time you or an ally within 60 feet of you succeeds on a saving throw. In addition, you grant all allies within range a bonus 1d6 to Reflex saving throws.

Seismic Controller

17th Level Feature

Your critical strikes deal maximum damage die. In addition, you take half damage from environmental effects.

Cataclysmic Charge

19th Level Feature

When you move at least 30 feet in a straight line using your Stone Rider feature, you can unleash a devastating charge to one creature you come in contact. The target and all creatures in a 30-foot line must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or take (4 x PM)d8 + SM in Earth damage instead of the Stone Rider damage.

This counts as a spell for your Shockwave feature.

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