Gastronomic Tinkerer

Gastronomic Tinkerers are culinary innovators who blend the art of cooking with alchemy, creating dishes that enhance abilities, heal wounds, and hinder foes. Masters of both the kitchen and the lab, they craft meals that are as versatile as they are powerful, making them invaluable allies.

Gastronomic Tinkerers are perfect for players who enjoy creativity, strategy, and support in gameplay. They provide unique abilities for boosting allies' strength and resilience or debuffing enemies. Playing a Gastronomic Tinkerer combines culinary skill with alchemical knowledge, offering engaging and ingenious solutions to challenges.

Gastronomic Tinkerer Features By Level

Monster Chef

At 1st level, Your culinary skills and knowledge of monsters allow you to create potent dishes that bestow powerful benefits. During a long rest, you can use ingredients harvested from defeated monsters to prepare special meals. Choose one of the following options for each meal:

Vigor Stew: Grants allies Temporary hit points equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. While allies have Temp HP within 60 feet of you they have advantage on saving throws.

Hardy Steak: Grants allies a bonus +(PM) to Armor Class. In addition, when they take damage they can reduce it by (PM). This AC bonus can exceed the Tier maximum by up to the bonus.

Resilience Roast: You grant allies Resistance to one damage type of your choice. You can change this resistance by expending (PM) spell points per ally as a bonus action.

Mystic Blade

At 3rd level, As a bonus action, you can summon a magical knife that can slice through foes. This blade can move up to 60 feet as a bonus action. Any enemy that starts its turn, enters its space, or ends its turn within 5 feet of the knife takes (PM)d4 Slashing damage.

Tactical Seasoning

At 7th level, Your expertise in seasoning allows you to create dishes that provide tactical advantages. As part of a long rest, you can prepare a dish that grants one of the following benefits to allies. The chosen benefit lasts until you finish a long rest:

  • Battle Awareness: Advantage on initiative rolls.
  • Quick Reflexes: Advantage on Reflex saving throws. Successful Reflex saves take 0 damage.
  • Resilience: Gain a bonus to max hit points equal to your PM x SM.

Sugar Rush

At 9th level, You and your allies have advantage on Reflex saving throws.


At 12th level, Placeholder


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder


At 19th level, Placeholder

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