Reckoner Titans are forged through rigorous training to preemptively strike against threats. These warriors, once aimless souls, have become living weapons, their resilience and might unmatched.
Players will enjoy Reckoner Titans for their unparalleled combat prowess and strategic alliances. Their role as vanguard defenders makes them essential for those who seek to dominate and protect.
At 1st level, You can choose to lower your armor for a turn to increase your attack power significantly. You can choose to decrease your armor, for every 3 armor you gain (PM) bonus to damage rolls.
At 3rd level, Your weapon attacks reduce your target's armor by 1. Your critical strikes reduce your target's armor by 2.
At 7th level, On your turn, you can go into a chaotic frenzy completely disregarding safety. You have advantage on attack rolls, but all attack rolls have advantage on you.
In addition, while you are below 50% hit points your melee weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to the amount of hit points you are missing.
At 9th level, When you are reduced to 0 hit points, make an Endurance skill check, if you succeed, you do not take 1 level of exhaustion, this DC increases by 1 each time it is used.
At 12th level, Each attack roll you hit increases your attack rolls by 1 until the start of your next turn.
At 14th level, You gain invulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage while Frenzy is active.
At 17th level, When you crit on an attack roll, you can make one extra weapon attack.
At 19th level, You gain 3 additional die to skill, attack, and damage die. You do not add additional die to disadvantage rolls.