Spellbreaker Evoker

Spellbreaker Evokers are descendants of an ancient order trained by silver and gold dragons to counteract dark magics. They inherited fragments of their mentors' innate magic resistance, making them formidable against spellcasters and dark forces.

Players will enjoy Spellbreaker Evokers for their unique ability to resist and counteract enemy spells. Their background and powers offer a compelling blend of martial prowess and magical resilience, perfect for those who want to thwart magical threats.

Spellbreaker Evoker Features By Level


At 1st level, Your attacks are infused with anti magical properties. When you hit a creature with an attack roll, reduce their saving throws by (PM).

With each successful attack you regain 1 used spell point.

Might of the Dragon

At 3rd level, you are imbued with the might of a dragon, granting you various bonuses based on your skill modifiers. For every level of proficiency in the relevant skill modifier, you gain the following bonuses:

  • Agility: +5 to movement speed.
  • Arcane: You reduce otherworldly and elemental damage by (PM - 1).
  • Conviction: +1 to saving throws.
  • Endurance: You reduce bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage by (PM - 1).
  • Medicine: You gain an additional healing die on Medicine checks.
  • Might: You gain +1 to melee attack and damage rolls.

Arcane Disruptor

At 7th level, As a reaction, when a creature you can see within 60 feet casts a spell, you can force the caster to make a Cognitive saving throw against your Fighting DC. On a failed save, the spell fails and has no effect.

Mystic Evasion

At 9th level, When you succeed on a saving throw against a spell, you take no damage, and recover a number of spell points equal to your Arcane skill modifier.

Might of the Adult Dragon

At 12th level, You gain a bonus for every 2 points in your Might of the Dragon feature.


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder

Might of the Elder Dragon

At 19th level, You gain a bonus for every point in your Might of the Dragon feature. In addition, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

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