Ninja Rogue

Ninja Rogues are stealthy and deadly warriors trained in ancient martial arts. They excel in covert operations, using agility and precision to strike from the shadows, leaving enemies unaware until it's too late.

Players will enjoy Ninja Rogues for their mastery of stealth and swift combat. Their abilities offer a playstyle focused on cunning tactics, evasion, and surprise attacks, making them ideal for those who prefer strategy and finesse in battle.

Ninja Rogue Features By Level

On Guard

At 1st level, You act on surprise rounds as normal but have disadvantage on initiative rolls during them. You can add your Awareness score to your initiative.


At 3rd level, All attacks during a surprise round and your first attack on a creature who hasn't had a turn in initiative are an automatic critical strike if it hits.

Veil of Shadows

At 7th level, While in darkness or dim light, creatures have disadvantage on Concentration checks to find you. If you hit a creature while hidden, you deal (PM) damage die on your attack.

Expert Spy

At 9th level, You can use the dash, hide, dodge, or disengage action as a bonus action.

In addition, when you gain Expertise in Stealth, Investigation and Deception skill checks. If you already have levels in these skills the levels spent can be reallocated.


At 12th level, Placeholder


At 14th level, Placeholder


At 17th level, Placeholder


At 19th level, Placeholder

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