Monk Duelist

The Monk Duelist is a master of martial combat, blending agility and precision with deadly efficiency. They excel in combat, using their exceptional reflexes and keen mind to outmaneuver and outstrike their opponents. With a focus on finesse and speed, Monk Duelists can turn even the smallest opening into a lethal advantage.

Players might choose to play a Monk Duelist for the thrill of engaging in high-stakes duels, the satisfaction of perfecting their combat techniques, and the allure of a character who embodies grace under pressure.

Monk Duelist Features By Level

Keen Mind

At 1st level, You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a bonus to AC equal to your SM.
  • Every 4 attacks you land on an enemy with a simple weapon attack or unarmed strike you regain 1 spell point.
  • You gain a bonus to initiative equal to your SM.

Multi Strike

At 3rd level, When you make an attack with a simple weapon, you can choose to spend 1 spell point to target all enemies within 10 feet of your initial target attacking each creature with the same attack roll. You have disadvantage on the attack.

Stunning Strike

At 7th level, (Recharge 6) When you land an attack, you can spend 1 spell point to paralyze your target this is cost per target for multiple enemies. Recharge this feature every attack.

Exceptional Reflexes

At 9th level, (Recharge 3-6) When a creature hits you with an attack, you can make a Reflex saving throw, if your reflex save beats the monster's to hit, the attack misses.


At 12th level, Placeholder


At 14th level, Placeholder

Take Flight

At 17th level, You can spend 1 spell point to gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 10 rounds.

Marked For Death

At 19th level, When you land a simple weapon attack on a creature you can mark it for death by spending 3 spell points. In 3 turns the creature must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw, if it is below 100 hit points it automatically dies, if it has more than 100 hit points it takes 12d12 Otherworldly damage and is paralyzed.

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