Mad Scientist Tinkerer blend scientific curiosity with madness, creating powerful and unpredictable chemical concoctions. They use vibrant potions and bubbling toxins to enhance allies and control the battlefield. Their relentless pursuit of innovation makes them formidable and unpredictable forces in combat.
Mad Scientist Tinkerer are perfect for players who enjoy strategy, creativity, and chaos. They offer versatile abilities for healing, buffing allies, and confusing enemies. Playing a Mad Scientist Tinkerer rewards intelligence and cunning, making them a compelling choice for those who relish outsmarting opponents and crafting ingenious solutions.
At 1st level, You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Science skill checks. As a bonus action, make a Science skill check. On success, your next attack roll gives you (PM) pieces of information about the creature's stat block on hit.
At 3rd level, When you successfully collect a data sample, you can grant a creature within 60 feet of you one of the following effects until the start of your next turn: Roll 1d4 to determine the effect after you choose the creature choose the damage type in advance or the DM chooses.
Dice | Effect |
1 | Immunity to one damage type of your choice. |
2 | Vulnerability to one damage type of your choice. |
3 | A (PM) penalty to attack rolls and spell save DCs |
4 | A (PM) bonus to attack rolls and spell save DCs |
At 7th level,
(Recharge 6) As an action, make a melee weapon attack on a creature. On hit, the creature loses all special abilities, negative and positive buffs, and features until the start of your next turn.
This includes legendary resistance, legendary actions, extra attack, and maneuvers.
At 9th level, (Recharge 6) As an action, create a cloud of madness in a 20 foot radius sphere at a point you choose within 120 feet of you. All creatures can make one attack. Roll 1d6, odd they attack the closest ally. Even they attack the closest enemy. Creatures immune to poison are not affected.
At 12th level, Placeholder
At 14th level, Placeholder
At 17th level, Placeholder
At 19th level, You choose the effects of your subclass features rather than rolling.