





4 Strength


Common, Dascian

Gargoyles of Dascus stand as formidable protectors. Born from a powerful ritual performed by the Zealots of Dascus, these imposing beings were summoned to defend the city against encroaching darkness.

In their city's darkest hour, the Zealots, a devout clan of warriors, called upon divine and arcane forces to craft guardians from the stones of holy temples. The first Gargoyles were born, bonded by duty to protect Dascus and its faithful.

The Gargoyles forged an unbreakable bond with the Zealots, pledging unwavering loyalty and strength. They became sacred sentinels, defending the city’s sanctity and standing as physical and spiritual guardians.

For generations, Gargoyles and Zealots fought side by side against hordes of darkness. These majestic creatures, with stone exteriors and fiery eyes, became revered figures, feared by enemies and respected by allies. Their immense wingspans and ability to meld with Dascus’ architecture made them unparalleled protectors.

Over time, the Gargoyles' powers grew, and their bond with Dascus deepened. When a Gargoyle falls, their essence merges with the city’s stones, preserving their legacy. Today, they continue to watch over Dascus, embodying the spirit of protectors and etching their place in epic fantasy.

Sacred Knowledge

Gargoyles possess a deep understanding of sacred texts and rituals. You have 2 levels of proficiency in Memory skill checks.

Demonic Attributes

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet as if it were bright light. In addition, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed while not wearing armor or accessories.


You are a Construct. Constructs have resistance to Slashing & Piercing damage. You gain a +3 to unarmored AC.

The feature’s Armor increases by 3 each tier.

Stone Form (Recharge 5-6)

As a bonus action, you can temporarily transform your body into a solid stone-like state granting you 1 level of resistance to earth, slashing, and piercing damage, and 3 + (PM) to melee damage rolls until the start of your turn.

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