Gnolls, descendants of cunning jackals, are formidable hunters and skilled crossbow wielders, feared throughout the Sunscorch Wastes for their relentless ferocity and cunning tactics.
Legend tells of a time when a powerful Djinn bestowed upon a pack of jackals heightened intelligence and an insatiable hunger for power, giving rise to the first Gnolls, destined to leave their mark on the world.
Bound by loyalty and a deep connection to their pack, Gnolls fiercely protect and support their kin, assigning roles based on proficiency and natural talents. From hunters to expert thieves, each Gnoll contributes to the strength and unity of their pack.
Initially branded as savage raiders, Gnolls turned adversity into advantage, mastering weapons like the crossbow and flail to disrupt trade routes and exploit weaknesses in society.
Despite their once-marginalized status, Gnolls have earned a place in Alavir through resilience and adaptability. Some serve as honorable mercenaries, valued for their marksmanship and loyalty, while others thrive as cunning spies and infiltrators, acquiring secrets for the highest bidder. In Alavir, the Gnolls stand as a testament to survival, power, and the pursuit of a rightful place in the world.
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Investigation and Composure skill checks.
When you hit a creature with a crossbow or flail you deal an additional 1 + (PM) damage, the creature cannot heal until the start of your next turn. You also gain proficiency with crossbows, and flails they count as a finesse weapon for you.
In addition, you do not have disadvantage when attacking with a crossbow while within 5 feet of an enemy, and you ignore the loading property of crossbows.
You are a Beast. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points on your turn, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your speed and make a bite attack dealing piercing damage equal to 1d6 + (FM)
When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points you heal for an amount equal to 3 + (FM).