Gnomes. They are the harmonious blend of invention and magic, embodying the delicate balance between order and chaos that defines their existence.
Whispers from antiquity speak of the Gnomes as children born of both structure and pandemonium, a fusion of nature's capricious whimsy and the universe's unyielding laws. This duality is the essence of their being, fueling their remarkable abilities and shaping their society.
Living in symbiosis with the unpredictable energies of the Feywild that permeate their haven, the Gnomes have mastered the art of harnessing chaos to serve their purposes. Their innate talent for tempering the extremes of fortune is not just a strategic advantage; it reflects their profound belief in balance and their role as mediators between order and entropy.
Within the bustling workshops and laboratories of Twigglesworth Haven, Gnomish inventors fashion wonders of engineering that defy the mundane. Yet, beyond mere gadgets lies their true mastery—the ability to manipulate fate itself. This skill, known as the Gadgeteer's Gambit, underscores their unwavering confidence in their creations' reliability.
Deeply attuned to the arcane currents that flow beneath the surface of reality, Gnomish spellcasters practice the Trance of Order. In this heightened state, they perceive the world with unparalleled clarity, wielding their intellectual prowess as both shield and sword against the encroaching darkness that threatens their home.
In the saga of the Gnomes of Twigglesworth Haven, we find a tale of balance, resilience, and the ceaseless pursuit of mastery over the cosmic symphony. Their legacy endures as a testament to the power of harmonizing the dichotomy of existence, inspiring awe and admiration among all who marvel at their feats.
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Science and Technology skill checks.
You have advantage on Cognitive saving throws. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet as if it were bright light.
At the start of your turn, you can use 2 spell points to go into a trance. While in this trance you have heightened senses. Until the start of your turn, attack rolls against you can't benefit from advantage, and whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can replace a rolled 1 with a 2.
Your constant exposure to chaos allows you to equalize chaotic moments. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is about to roll with advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the roll from being affected by advantage and disadvantage.
You can reroll any roll, the creature must use the new roll, this roll is not affected by advantage or disadvantage.