Shade are nocturnal, dream-eating humanoids that possess an uncanny ability to enter the dreams of other beings. Their skin is pale and almost translucent, with large, reflective eyes that seem to see into one's soul.
Shade have long, slender fingers and elongated limbs, allowing them to move silently and swiftly through the night. They survive by consuming the essence of dreams, which they store in special dream-pouches within their bodies.
However, this ability comes with a cost: the Shade are nocturnal, dream-eating humanoids that possess an uncanny ability to enter the dreams of other beings. Their skin is pale and almost translucent, with large, reflective eyes that seem to see into one's soul.
cannot dream themselves and often become obsessed with collecting and experiencing the dreams of others. They live in shadowed cities that only become active at night, and their society revolves around the trade and consumption of dreams as currency.
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Monster Knowledge and Insight skill checks.
Shade can change their shape and size at will up to Large. They have advantage on checks made to avoid or escape grapples and restraints. In addition, Shade are renowned for their mastery of shapeshifting. They can mimic the appearance of other creatures, perfectly imitating their form, voice, and mannerisms. However, you maintain a glowing color of your choice. Due to your translucent form, you gain 1 level of resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet as if it were bright light.
As an action, choose a 10 foot radius in an area you can see to cast in a shadowey magical darkness for 3 rounds. In dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to become invisible to creatures relying on sight to detect you. This effect lasts until you move or take an action or a reaction. While invisible you gain an additional level of resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.