Stirge are often depicted as a race of humanoid creatures with striking resemblances to bats, embodying both the elegance of flight and the eerie allure of nocturnal predators. Their physiology typically includes bat-like wings that grant them effortless aerial mobility, along with sharp, needle-like proboscises adapted for siphoning blood—a feature that instills both fascination and fear among other races.
The allure of playing a stirge lies in their unique blend of strengths and vulnerabilities. Their mastery of flight not only affords them strategic advantages in battles and reconnaissance but also symbolizes a profound connection to the skies, where they feel most at home under the veil of night. This affinity often translates into heightened senses attuned to darkness and a nuanced understanding of nocturnal landscapes, making stirges adept hunters and elusive foes.
Beyond their physical attributes, stirges possess a rich cultural tapestry woven with themes of resilience and adaptation. In societies where they coexist with other races, stirges navigate a delicate balance between their primal instincts and the complexities of civilization. Their lore is colored by tales of struggle against prejudice and the relentless pursuit of acceptance—a journey that shapes their identity and influences their interactions within a diverse fantasy world.
Choosing to embody a stirge in storytelling or role-playing offers enthusiasts an immersive exploration of character dynamics. It invites players to delve into narratives that explore themes of otherness, redemption, and the quest for belonging, while also celebrating the primal allure of creatures who soar amidst the stars. Whether as allies, adversaries, or enigmatic loners, stirges bring a captivating blend of mystery and depth to the realms of fantasy lore, enriching tales with their presence and leaving an indelible mark on the imaginations of those who encounter them.
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Awareness and Nature skill checks. Stirges have blindsight with a range of 10 feet.
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet as if it were bright light. In addition, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed while not wearing armor or accessories.
When a creature within 5 feet of a stirge drops to 0 hit points, the stirge can use its reaction to move up to its speed and make a bite attack against another creature.
Stirges have advantage on Awareness and Concentration checks to detect creatures within 60 feet that are below half their hit points. Additionally, when a stirge damages a creature that is below half of its hit points, it deals an additional damage die. The stirge also gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt by this feature. The creature must be below half before the damage.