Strawborn; Born from the arcane energies and the fertile lands surrounding their city, the Strawborn are not your ordinary scarecrows. These sentient beings, with pumpkin heads aglow with magical light, embody the very essence of Mordrathen's history and purpose.
Imbued with consciousness by a sorcerer's forbidden ritual gone awry, the Strawborn stand as silent sentinels, protectors of their city's legacy and guardians of its secrets. Despite their straw and pumpkin visages, the Strawborn possess rich inner lives, thoughts, and emotions, intricately woven into the tapestry of Mordrathen's dark and mystical existence.
But the Strawborn are more than just guardians; they are diplomats, scholars, and cultivators. With their deep connection to the land and its magic, they serve as peace envoys, venturing beyond the city's borders to share their wisdom and unique perspective with other races. Their presence brings harmony amidst Mordrathen's dread creatures, reminding all of the city's original balance and preserving it amidst the chaos.
With their innate magic, heightened senses, and deep understanding of the land's rhythms, the Strawborn offer players a truly immersive and captivating role-playing experience. Whether delving into ancient mysteries, tending to the city's crops, or forging alliances with distant lands, playing as a Strawborn promises adventure, intrigue, and the chance to unravel the mysteries of Mordrathen. Join the ranks of the Strawborn, and become a part of Mordrathen's rich and vibrant tapestry of magic and history!
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Starvation and Intimidation skill checks.
As an action, you can name or describe a person, place, or object that has stepped foot on a piece of land you can touch. This feature brings to your mind a brief summary of the significant lore about the thing you named. The lore might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing you named has no importance, you gain no information. The more information you already have about the thing, the more precise and detailed the information you receive is. The information you learn is accurate but may be given as figurative language or even a riddle.
As a bonus action in combat, you can touch a creature and heal them for (PM)d8 + SM removing the feared or frightened effect from the creature. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.
The pumpkin head of a Strawborn emits a soft,comforting glow providing dim light in a 10-foot radius. You can control this light, dimming it or extinguishing it at will.
As an action, You can unleash a powerful attack at a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack, on hit deal (SM)d8 + SM Otherworldly damage, the creature must succeed on a Cognitive saving throw against your Spellcasting DC or be frightened.