





4 Wisdom


Common, One Language of Choice

Introducing the Sylphs, ethereal beings born from the union of air elementals and restless spirits. With a profound connection to the astral plane, Sylphs possess the ability to phase in and out of reality, making them elusive and mysterious. Their semi-corporeal nature allows them to command the power of the winds, shaping gusts and creating whirlwinds with ease.

As guardians of the skies, Sylphs play a crucial role in maintaining balance in the atmospheric realms. They guide lost souls to their final resting place and protect sacred sites from malevolent forces. With their unique ability to sense and communicate with spirits, Sylphs navigate the treacherous paths of the spirit world, forming alliances with benevolent entities to harness their spectral energy.

However, the duality of their existence presents challenges. Constantly connected to the ethereal plane, Sylphs must resist the influence of dark forces and maintain balance between their elemental and ghostly aspects. Despite these struggles, Sylphs find solace in their enclaves, remote sanctuaries where they meditate, study ancient texts, and commune with their ancestors.

Join the ranks of the Sylphs and embark on a journey filled with mystery, magic, and adventure. Harness the power of the winds, commune with spirits, and uncover the secrets of the skies in Crusaders.

Sky Sentinel

You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Memory and Nature skill checks.

Cloud Wanderer

Sylphs have a natural flying speed equal to your walking speed. However, you cannot wear armor.

Whispering Winds

You can whisper messages to creatures within 1 mile as long as they can hear the wind. The creature cannot respond to these messages however, only creatures you target can hear them. You must be aware of their existence and they must be on the same plane as you. In addition, you can speak with the dead.

Ethereal Form

You have 2 levels of resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage while not wearing armor.

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