The Twitch: Imagine a race born from the depths of enchanted forests, where ancient magic intertwines with the very essence of nature itself. These anthropomorphic mice, rats, beavers, and porcupines possess a remarkable blend of resilience, ingenuity, and affinity for craftsmanship.
As guardians of nature, the Twitch hold a profound connection to the woodland realms. Their ability to communicate with animals and plants, coupled with their presence, often leads to the flourishing of flora and fauna in their surroundings.
Masters of crafting, the Twitch are renowned for their meticulous attention to detail and dexterous paws. From delicate jewelry to powerful weapons and armor, their enchanted artifacts are sought after by adventurers and nobles alike.
Dwelling in magnificent tree cities nestled within ancient forests, the Twitch embrace unity in diversity. Mouse, rat, beaver, and porcupine Twitch live harmoniously, celebrating their collective strengths and varied skills.
Legend speaks of the Twitch Chosen, a prophesied hero blessed by ancient forest spirits, destined to unite their race and lead them against looming darkness. With their rich lore, resilience, and magical prowess, the Twitch offer a compelling and immersive experience for those seeking adventure in the world of Crusaders.
You gain 2 levels of proficiency in Trickery and Tracking skill checks.
You are immune to frightened and feared conditions. In addition, all allies within 30 feet of you have +1 to saving throws to avoid or end the feared or frightened condition.
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Reflex saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
You can poison 10 crossbow bolts, a dagger, or a rapier as a free action lasting 3 rounds, and dealing an additional 1 + (PM) poison damage and granting creatures the poisoned condition on hit. Any poison damage you apply doubles vs targets that are poisoned. In addition, you ignore reloading properties with crossbows and guns.